Created and produced by Zebra Producciones and written by Luis Arranz and Adolfo Martinez, the new Spanish Prime Original series, El Cid, retells from a contemporary perspective the story of the most famous Spaniard in history, a man trapped between two worlds and two cultures.
A nobleman, a hero, a mercenary, a vassal, but also a man who could have been king. El Cid was centuries ahead of his time and became transcended by his own legend. Production will start in 2019 leading to a release in more than 200 countries and territories worldwide.
Zebra Producciones belongs to iZen Producciones, one of the biggest independent producer in Spain, led by José Velasco and Sara Fernández-Velasco.
iZen Producciones integrates International companies and has more than 1,300 hours of annual production in all national and regional TV channels.